How to become president in bitlife

How To Become President In Bitlife 2025

How to become president in bitlife

Bitlife, one of the most played life simulation games, offers multiple career opportunities. You can become an actor, lawyer, businessman, doctor, teacher, etc. You can even become a politician and participate in elections for Prime minister or the highest leading role in the country, President.

Yes, you can become President, but obviously, it’s not straightforward. You need to start working on your big goals right from the beginning, like working on your looks, getting good grades in school, becoming famous, and much more. Let’s discuss in detail how to become President in Bitlife and what the requirements for it are. 

How to Become President in Bitlife             

You can become the President of the United States in Bitlife, but for that, you have to complete certain purchases and other requirements that will eventually lead to your biggest goal in the game. Here are the requirements you need to fulfill to achieve your goal.

Get bitizenship                

The first requirement is to get Bitizenship, which is available at $4.99. Without getting Bitizenship, you can’t join elections for the most significant political role in the state. You only have to pay once for the Bitizenship fee.

Be good-looking and intelligent               

You need to work on your looks by going to the gym and maintaining a good physic. You also need to be intelligent enough to handle the state’s problems and make policies as a president. Work on both of these qualities from your school and keep improving.

Complete your education and get a part-time job        

You need to complete your education, preferably as a political sciences student, and get a part-time job as a political worker to make your name and earn some cash that will later help in your campaigns and election process.

Join social media and be politically active       

The easy and healthy way to get public attention is by joining social media, where you can get in touch with the general public and run your agendas. You can talk about political issues so that people get to know you more, and your journey to becoming President will become much easier.

Climb the political ladder   

You need to start by becoming a school board director, then become a Mayor, and continue gradually with your political career, which ultimately reaches the top, i.e., President. If you try to run for presidential elections directly, it won’t help your cause as you will not be able to meet the requirements needed to become a President.

Spend a few years in your position   

Once you get the role of School Board Director and then of Mayor, you need to continue for a few years as the minimum age for a Presidential role is 35 years. You can reach the required age and get the maximum political experience that will help your role as a President of the State.

Become rich and popular  

Working as a Director and Mayor, you can get experience and become rich and famous among the general public. You need to spend a handsome amount of money on your rallies and campaigns as you run for presidential elections, so make sure you have more than enough money. Don’t take bribes or get involved in any illegal activity for money; it will ruin your political career if caught.

Run for the presidential elections 

You need to go into occupation, then political offices, and eventually into President of the United States to get started. It is similar to Mayor or Director Elections, so make sure you have high approval ratings, a clear agenda, and a clean record, and then you have the chance to become President. Also, ensure you have a clean record and haven’t escaped prison or done anything legally on record.

What can you do as Bitlife President?              

Being a President of the United States in Bitlife brings a lot of privileges as you can control the state with your decisions. You can pass or veto a proposal, but make sure you keep up with your popularity and keep your cabinet and public happy. You can also hold rallies and make public appearances to connect with the general public.

During your tenure as a President, you will get offers to make certain decisions in return for a handsome amount of money, but if caught, it can badly impact your political career. When it is time for re-election, you need to have popularity and also a big amount of money, so keep a good balance between having your chance to be re-elected as a President.


No, you cannot become the President of the United States if you are under 35. Make sure to check the age limit of the country where you want to become President.

If people are not voting for you, you need to improve your approval ratings, become popular among the general public, and try again for the elections.


Bitlife game is considered the most realistic simulation game and is often rated higher than its competitors like Simulife and Sims Mobile. Becoming President in Bitlife comes with great privileges that not everyone can enjoy. Here, I explained in detail how you can become President in Bitlife, which includes factors like working on your looks, education, popularity, and much more. Work on these mentioned qualities and make your chances greater for becoming President.  

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